Art is Long; Life is Short...
and so, in the true Yowza Spirit of this blog, I will invite
the people I meet, the places I go, the adventures I experience,
and the AHA! moments life brings to be my siren for my
Here's to the ride.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Love Street...

It is amazing how many "Snap Shots" we have stored away in our 
hearts and souls and minds...
so many "Snap Shots" that lie tucked away in our memory vault. 
Yes, there they are, clearly catalogued, carefully filed away...
and then...WHAM...
without even as much as a rap-a-tap-tap on our noggin', 
they come for a visit upon our mind's eye.  

It was during one of these surprise "Snap Shot" visits 
that visions of Love Street--a groovy, hip nightclub in Houston, Texas--danced into my thoughts.  
In a blink, I was back in high school,
riding the wave of 
the end-of-the-60's-rolling-into-the-70s.  
There I was, 
sneaking off to Love Street on a clandestine date. 
How vivid it is remembering the moment I walked into 
the darkened yet psychedelically-color-charged space. 
The music was loud, intoxicating...
and soon I was grooving to the beat. 
It was as if my memory "Snap Shots" of Love Street 
ran into my psyche, 
pulled up a chair, 
and played a reel of "Snap Shots" upon my eyelids.  

Oh, I love it when that happens, 
when those memories are awakened and begin to whisper their stories into our souls...  

It was from such whisperings 
that I was inspired to begin a new series of paintings...
my "Love Street" series.  

I began painting on canvas 
and then moved to painter's drop cloth, 
creating what I imagine will become wall hangings. 
Here is a glimpse into my memories 
inspired by Love Street from 1970, 
memories I now honor and bring to life on canvas....

Life IS good.
Cherish every second of every hour.
Love One Another.
Because as we all know,
(thanks to the Fab Four)
in the end, "the love we take
IS equal to the love we make."


  1. Your writing is just as excellent as all your paintings!! You are a Renaissance Woman - a Woman with unchartered exceptional talent!! Love you Susie as a person and a friend.♥♥

    1. I am only now seeing the please excuse my lateness in saying "thank you!" I love the idea of being a Renaissance Woman ... xoxoxox Susie

  2. Kathleen Berryman ThomasJuly 8, 2012 at 11:01 AM

    Your writing about Love Street flows so magically that I was almost there when your new paintings showed up. Now between the paintings and your literary description I am with you at Love Street. Thanks Susie for sharing your memories, and as always for sharing your art which is beautiful to behold. Kinda like you! I love ya Texas Gal. You have a permanent place in my heart. Big hugs!!

    1. Oh, Kathy- just now getting around to seeing this post. I love you, too, you New York Gal! xoxoxo Susie

  3. I've said it before, and will repeat, what an amazing writer AND artist you are, Susie. I am in awe and so glad you are doing something with all these talents - so many folks just dream of becoming a writer or painter. You bring it all to life and thank you for sharing. Love you - Terri

    1. Oh, Terri - just now seeing the comment and getting back to you. Thank you from the corners and recesses of my heart for your love! One day, we'll be creating together--in the same real-time space! Love you....Susie
