Art is Long; Life is Short...
and so, in the true Yowza Spirit of this blog, I will invite
the people I meet, the places I go, the adventures I experience,
and the AHA! moments life brings to be my siren for my
Here's to the ride.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sacred in the Ordinary Installation #4: Umbrel Flower Heads in Winter

A few weeks past, 
with the valley below and our hillside lawn filled up with snow, 
I embarked on one of my "walkabouts" to engage in the beauty of the day.  

It was there, at the edge of our front lawn,
where the slope of manicured grass meets the wild and untamed brush, 
I beheld one of nature's many sacred gifts.  

Set against the linen-white snow,
bare and spindly, grey-black branches topped off by wheat-toned umbrels
rose up to greet me like miniature holy grails full of hope.

They rose up--divine and delicate--and offered this story:
that the snow will melt--
that the warmer days will return--
that the cycle of seasons will roll on.   

Sacred in the Ordinary: 
Umbrel Flower Heads in Winter 

(A Gardener's Note:
 The seeds are formed where the umbrel--meaning umbrella-like--flower head was.)

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