Art is Long; Life is Short...
and so, in the true Yowza Spirit of this blog, I will invite
the people I meet, the places I go, the adventures I experience,
and the AHA! moments life brings to be my siren for my
Here's to the ride.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hibernation Hiatus from Blogging...Spring Is Around the Corner!

My goodness.  
It has been far too long since I last sat down 
at the computer to journal little life snippet-stories.  
I would truly like to pass blame for my Blogging Absence
along to the long, cold winter we have been experiencing...
but truth of the matter is that I got found myself sidetracked by 
an immersion into all-things-facebook!  Giddy up...
and, what an immersion of life-energy that has been!  Not only has it 
fueled happy and invigorating connections with dear friends, but the facebook-fanatacism has re-ignited 
creative thoughts and playful ideas!  
YOWZA...with joy at the promise of spring lurking around the corner 
of a month of Mondays, I find myself yearning to return 
to the world of YowzaSpirit blogging.  

From my home to yours, 
I share a few of the snow-inspired snapshots from this winter. 
Life IS good!!